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Journal of Business Sectors

Exploring the Intersection of Emerging Technologies and Knowledge Management in the context of Ownership Structures

Volume 02 Issue 2

Dávid Máté Hargitai, Viktória Nagy, Nóra Obermayer


emerging technology, digital competence, knowledge management

Citation in APA style

Hargitai, D. M., Nagy, V., & Obermayer, N. (2024). Exploring the Intersection of Emerging Technologies and Knowledge Management in the context of Ownership Structures. Journal of Business Sectors, 2 (2), 11–22.

Research background:

Each industrial revolution has demanded that people develop specific skills and competencies to stay relevant in the workplace. The first revolution introduced mechanisation, the second emphasised cognitive skills, and Industry 4.0 focuses on digital skills. Over the centuries, the required skills have transitioned from physical to digital. With the growing reliance on information, digital skills have become an essential resource in today's society.

Purpose of the article:

The study aims to illustrate the relationship between knowledge management and emerging technologies. It seeks to determine how this relationship varies based on company ownership.


The main data for the survey was collected through an online questionnaire administered in 2022 using the Lime Survey platform. The survey targeted managers from companies operating in Hungary and received 5,207 valid responses. To test the hypotheses, both univariate and multivariate statistical methods were employed. Descriptive statistics provided an initial overview of the sample, while a multivariate regression model was utilised to address the research question.

Findings & Value added:

The results demonstrate that knowledge management projects, alongside technology intensity, significantly influence the adoption of emerging technologies, with a notable impact on financial performance. In terms of technology use and human factors, several efficiency barriers exist, the primary one being the workforce's lack of digital competencies. Foreign ownership positively affects all these aspects. Future research directions include conducting a qualitative survey through semi-structured interviews to validate the large quantitative dataset. Additionally, examining spatial differences, national cultures, and cultural clusters is important, as the results indicate that a company's operational processes, which influence the use of emerging technology in the international arena, are often shaped by the national culture of the parent company.

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